About Me

Julia Crincoli

My first real contact with Yoga was through my children when I started regularly visiting pregnancy Yoga and postpartum classes. Afterwards, noticing the positive effects both physically and mentally, I continued with Kundalini Yoga, which eventually let me rediscover myself and find new meanings in life.

I come from Finland and have lived in Switzerland for nearly ten years. Since I was a child, nature has always had a huge role in my well-being: whether it is a walk in the forest, gazing at a bee doing its work in a park or planting veggies and flowers in my garden. Being with nature and practising Yoga have the same elements – grounding myself, trusting to be part of something bigger and finding peace, joy and beauty in the present moment. 

I live in Birmensdorf with my husband and two children. Being a mother in a fast-paced world with external distractions everywhere and all the information at arm's length away can be overwhelming and cause one to worry about the past or stress what will be in the future. Techniques of Kundalini Yoga and Breathwork help me to come back to here and now, raise awareness and build a strong connection with my body. It can be calming, balancing, energizing and uplifting at the same time.

Kundalini Yoga TT (2021-2022) 500 h
Pre-/Postnatal Yoga TT (2023) 85 h
Breathwork Coach training 15h